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Job recruitment for Logistics industry
The ecommerce industry in India is the fastest growing in the world at an annual rate of 51%. This was triggered by the wider and deeper smartphone and internet penetration. This has in turn created a huge demand in all forms of transportation and logistics. It is expected to grow at a rate of 10.5%, thereby creating a demand for trained human resources.
High employee attrition: In the logistics industry, there are low chances for company loyalty. Hence, employees are always on the lookout for better employee opportunities and shift as soon as they see slightly better benefits.
Lack of adherence to rules: With the working conditions as they are, it is difficult for a logistics and transportation organisation to constantly monitor its employees. This can lead to human resources skipping regulations to be followed.
Skill gap: There is a dearth in the industry for workforce trained in the skills that are required for logistics and transportation.
The APMC Solutions:
Systemic processes and policies: To ensure that the candidates adhere to rules regulations, by organization and by law, APMC has a strict policy and guidelines that are followed while sourcing and hiring talent.
Prepared for the future: APMC team has partners who support in finding the right talent with the right skills. This enables us to fulfil any requirements by our clients in the fastest time possible.
Stringent background verification: At APMC, we understand the criticality of hiring the right human resources for uninterrupted and smooth functioning of the organisation. Hence, we have a stringent vetting process that filters only the best in the industry.